Τετάρτη 11 Μαρτίου 2015


  • Μαϊμού αράχνη

    Ζει στα τροπικά δάση της Κανόπης της αρέσει να τρώει φρούτα, καρπούς και φύλλα. Είναι δηλαδή φυτοφάγο ζώο. Μπορεί να ψηλώσει μέχρι 2 μέτρα χωρίς να μετρήσουμε την μακριά ουρά της. Τρελαίνεται να κρέμεται ανάποδα από τα κλαδιά με μοναδική βοήθεια την ουρά της!! Ζει στους ίδιους βιότοπους με την μαϊμού σκίουρο, την τριχωτή μαϊμού , την κόκκινη μαϊμού , τον καπουτσίνο.
  • Χρυσός ταμαρίνος
  • Είδος μαϊμούς που του αρέσει να τρώει φρούτα , έντομα, αράχνες, σαύρες κτλ. Μπορεί να φτάσει μέχρι 10 μέτρα μήκος..
  • Βραδύποδας
  • Σπάνια κατεβαίνει από τα δέντρα , συνήθως μαι φορά την εβδομάδα για να πιει νερό. Έχει πολύ μακριά άκρα με μεγάλα νύχια για να γραπώνεται στους κορμούς των δέντρων. Τρώει φρούτα, φύλλα και έντομα. Κινείται πολύ αργά και τρώει λίγο.
  • Μυρμηγκοφάγος

    Armed with a 2 foot long tongue, the anteater can swallow ants and termites very fast. An adult can reach up to 8 feet long and a weight up to 140 pounds.
  • Τεράστια ενυδρίδα των ποταμών

    A highly endangered specie of the Amazon river, it can grow up to 6 feet long and a weight of around 70 pounds. Biggest of its kind in the world, the giant river otter eats mostly fish, small reptiles and birds.
  • Καπιμπάρα:
  • Biggest rodent on Earth, the capybara is about 2 feet tall and a weight of around 100 pounds. An exellent swimmer, even under water, lives and sleeps in the water, showing only its nostrils above water level. Another endangered specie in the Amazon river. Its diet consist mainly of grass, aquatic vegetation, melons and squashes. Read more here...
  • Μανάτε του Αμαζονίου:

    The largest of all marine mammals found in theAmazon river and its tributaries. An adult manatee can reach up to three meters long and 450 kg in weight.Read more here...
  • Τουκάν:

    Inhabits the canopy of the Amazon rainforest. With short, thick neck, the toucan is distinguished by its large and colorful beak (black, blue, red, white or combinations).
    It can grow from about 7 inches to over 2 feet.
  • Μακάο:

    Largest of the parrot family, the macaw has a sharp, hooked beak ideal for eating nuts, fruits and seeds. It can reach from 1 foot to 3 feet in size, like the Hyacinth macaw.
    The scarlet macaw - like most of tropical rainforest macaws - is endangered due to poaching, hunting and destruction of habitat through deforestation. Its lifespan is about 75 years in captivity.

  • Ροζ δελφίνι του Αμαζονίου:

    One of the most beautiful creatures of the Amazon river, surrounded by all kinds of myths and legends of the jungle.
    Read more about the Amazon Pink River Dolphin here.
  • Ηλεκτρικό χέλι:

    A type of fish - not an eel - that can grow to about 8 feet long and weight of up to 60 punds.
    Visit Amazon River Fish for more on the electric eel.
  • Πιράνχας:

    Perhaps the most feared creature in the Amazon river.
    It has a powerful jaw and razor-like triangular teeth that can shred flesh from bone in a matter of seconds. Read more about piranha at Amazon River Fish page.
  • Μαύρος κέιμαν:

    The largest predator in the Amazon river. It has no enemies other than man and can eat from piranha, capybara and giant river otters to humans.
    The black caiman can grow to 20 feet long and reach up to 3,000 pounds in weight.
  • Ανακόντα:

    Snake of the boa constrictor type, the anaconda grows throughout its entire life, reaching up to 21 feet long and an astonishing 40 stone of mass.
    It will squeeze its pray until it cannot breathe, then swallow it, not chewing at all. From capybarato humans, the anaconda doesn't eat often, as it will take one week or more to digest, according to the size of prey.
  • Ιαγουάρος(Τζάγκουαρ):

    One of the most dangerous animals in the Amazon rainforest.
    An exellent hunter able to swim after pirarucu or turtles ( see the video at Amazon River Fish for an example), climb trees or run after its prey. The jaguar is about 6 feet long and can reach up to 250 pounds in weight.
  • Δηλητηριώδης βάτραχος:
  • Very small in size, but poisonous enough as to kill up to 100 people.
    It has the most powerful poison known to man, but harmless if left alone. Traditionally, Amazon indians tribes have been using its poison in the tip of their arrows and darts for hunting reasons.

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